Drama set in the 1850’s telling the remarkable true story of a young man’s 13 year quest to understand natural selection. Observing extraordinary animal mimicry in the Amazon Henry Bates discovers the “beautiful proof” for Darwin’s groundbreaking theory. Winner: 5 awards G.S.C.A. 2017 Winner: Lumiere Award – 2018
Starring:Calum Finlay, Ed Birch, Robert Daws, Billy Postlethwaite.
2016/17 – AAUK/AACA/Aventuras – Distribution: SK Films
Amazon Adventure
45 min – 3D Large Format Feature Film IMAX®
Drama set in the 1850’s telling the remarkable true story of a young man’s 13 year quest to understand natural selection. Observing extraordinary animal mimicry in the Amazon Henry Bates discovers the “beautiful proof” for Darwin’s groundbreaking theory. Winner: 5 awards G.S.C.A. 2017 Winner: Lumiere Award – 2018
Starring:Calum Finlay, Ed Birch, Robert Daws, Billy Postlethwaite.
2016/17 – AAUK/AACA/Aventuras – Distribution: SK Films